We recently published an extensive guide on the best restaurant social media campaigns. One of the most emphasised points in this guide was “post timing” — where we said posting on social media ought to follow a set schedule. One reason is that each social media platform has specific hours that users are most active; moreover, certain contents are usually more appropriate on specific dates.
This guide will provide a restaurant social media content calendar for 2023 that you can follow to help post the right content, at the right time, to the right audience.
We have seen that restaurants tend to have quite a chaotic social media posting frequency. Posting on social media can quickly get confusing without the proper structuring, which is why we have brought together this 2023 calendar.
Why Follow a Restaurant Social Media Content Calendar?
What’s the point of knowing the dates of all important events if you can’t create content that vibe with it? One of the most important benefits of using a restaurant social media content calendar is that it makes it easier to collect all the content you need for each post.
If you’ve never undertaken a task to churn out content after content multiple times daily and probably across several social media platforms, the usual confusion associated with it may elude your awareness. But no doubt, whoever finds themselves in that job and doesn’t have a fixed posting calendar is fighting an uphill battle to pull it off.
Introducing the 2023 Restaurant Social Media Content Calendar
Use these dates for inspiration and to guide your social media content creation. We include multiple events on single dates to give you extra options and make your creativity more flexible. We also introduced hashtags for each event to enable social media users to find your posts easily.
Some events might sound strange, but looking at what has already gone viral on these dates could give you some amazing ideas.
January 2023

January 1. New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay
January 2. Science Fiction Day #ScienceFictionDay
January 2. World Introvert Day #WorldIntrovertDay
January 2. National Motivation and Inspiration Day #MotivationandInspirationDay
January 4. National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay
January 4. National Spaghetti Day #NationalSpaghettiDay
January 4. Back to Work #BacktoWork
January 4. World Braille Day #WorldBrailleDay
January 5. National Bird Day #NationalBirdDay
January 6. National Shortbread Day #NationalShortbreadDay
January 8. Bubble Bath Day #BubbleBathDay
January 9. Clean Off Your Desk Day #CleanOffYourDeskDay
January 10. Houseplant Appreciation Day #HouseplantAppreciationDay
January 13. Make Your Dreams Come True Day #DreamsComeTrue
January 13. National Sticker Day #NationalStickerDay
January 14. Dress Up Your Pet Day #DressUpYourPetDay
January 14. National Vision Board Day #VisionBoardDay
January 14. Organise Your Home Day #OrganiseYourHomeDay
January 15. National Hat Day #NationalHatDay
January 15. World Snow Day #WorldSnowDay
January 16. Blue Monday #BlueMonday
January 16. Martin Luther King Jr. Day #MLKDay
January 18. Winnie The Pooh Day #WinnieThePoohDay
January 19. Popcorn Day #PopcornDay
January 21. Hugging Day #HuggingDay
January 22. Chinese New Year #ChineseNewYear
January 24. Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay
January 24. International Day of Education #InternationalDayofEducation
January 25. Opposite Day #OppositeDay
January 27. Chocolate Cake Day #ChocolateCakeDay
January 28. Data Privacy Day #DataPrivacyDay
January 29. Puzzle Day #PuzzleDay
January 30. Croissant Day #CroissantDay
February 2023

February 2. Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay, World Wetlands Day #WorldWetlandsDay
February 4. World Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay
February 5. World Nutella Day #WorldNutellaDay
February 6. Grammy Awards #GrammyAwards
February 6. Beginning of Six Nations #SixNations
February 7. Safer Internet Day #SID2023
February 7. Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay
February 9. National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay
February 10. World Pulses Day #WorldPulsesDay
February 11. International Day of Women and Girls in Science
February 11. National Inventors’ Day #NationalInventorsDay
February 13. World Radio Day #WorldRadioDay
February 14. Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay
February 15. Singles Awareness Day #SinglesAwarenessDay
February 17. Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
February 20. Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay
February 20. World Day of Social Justice #SocialJusticeDay #WorldDayofSocialJustice
February 21. International Mother Language Day #InternationalMotherLanguageDay #MotherLanguageDay
February 25. Digital Learning Day #DigitalLearningDay
March 2023

March 1. Pancake Day #PancakeDay
March 1. Zero Discrimination Day #ZeroDiscriminationDay
March 2. National Read Across America Day #ReadAcrossAmerica
March 3. World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay
March 4. World Book Day #WorldBookDay
March 4. National Grammar Day #NationalGrammarDay
March 4. Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay
March 5. National Day of Unplugging #NationalDayOfUnplugging
March 6. Dentist’s Day #DentistsDay
March 7. National Cereal Day #NationalCerealDay
March 8. International Women’s Day #InternationalWomensDay
March 9. National Napping Day #NationalNappingDay
March 15. World Consumer Rights Day #WorldConsumerRightsDay
March 17. St. Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay
March 17. Sleep Day #WorldSleepDay
March 18. Red Nose Day #RedNoseDay
March 19. Mother’s Day #MothersDay
March 20. International Day of Happiness #InternationalDayofHappiness
March 20. First Day of Spring #FirstDayofSpring
March 20. French Language Day #FrenchLanguageDay
March 21. World Poetry Day #WorldPoetryDay
March 21. International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 21. World Down Syndrome Day #WorldDownSyndromeDay
March 21. International Day of Forests #InternationalDayofForests
March 22. World Water Day #WorldWaterDay
March 23. World Meteorological Day #WorldMeteorologicalDay
March 23. National Puppy Day #NationalPuppyDay
March 25. International Waffle Day #InternationalWaffleDay
March 25. Earth Hour Day #EarthHour
March 26. Purple Day #PurpleDay
March 30. Doctor’s Day #NationalDoctorsDay
March 31. World Backup Day #WorldBackupDay
April 2023

April 1. April Fools’ Day #AprilFoolsDay
April 3. Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay
April 4. United Nations’ Mine Awareness Day #UnitedNationsMineAwarenessDay
April 5. International Day of Conscience #InternationalDayofConscience
April 6. National Walking Day #NationalWalkingDay
April 7. Good Friday #GoodFriday
April 7. United Nations’ World Health Day #UnitedNationsWorldHealthDay
April 7. World Health Day #WorldHealthDay
April 9. Easter Sunday #EasterSunday
April 10. Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay
April 10. Easter Monday #EasterMonday
April 11. National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
April 12. International Day of Human Space Flight #InternationalDayOfHumanSpaceFlight
April 13. Equal Pay Day #EqualPayDay
April 13. The Grand National #TheGrandNational
April 16. Stress Awareness Day #StressAwarenessDay
April 19. Bicycle Day #BicycleDay
April 20. Look Alike Day #NationalLookAlikeDay
April 20. Chinese Language Day #ChineseLanguageDay
April 21. National Tea Day #NationalTeaDay
April 21. World Creativity and Innovation Day #WorldCreativityandInnovationDay
April 22. Earth Day #EarthDay #EarthDay2023
April 23. World Book and Copyright Day #WorldBookandCopyrightDay
April 23. English Language Day #EnglishLanguageDay
April 25. International Delegate’s Day #InternationalDelegate’sDay
April 25. World Malaria Day #WorldMalariaDay
April 26. Arbor Day #ArborDay
April 26. World Intellectual Property Day #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay
April 27. International Girls in ICT Day #InternationalGirlsinICTDay
April 28. World Day for Safety and Health at Work #WorldDayforSafetyandHealthatWork
April 29. International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay
April 30. International Jazz Day #JazzDay
May 2023

May 1. May Day #MayDay
May 1. International Workers Day #InternationalWorkersDay
May 1. Early May Bank Holiday #MayBankHoliday
May 2. World Tuna Day #WorldTunaDay
May 4. Star Wars Day #Maythe4thBeWithYou #StarWarsDay
May 4. International Firefighters Day #InternationalFirefightersDay
May 5. Thank a Teacher Day #ThankATeacher
May 5. World Portuguese Language Day #WorldPortugueseLanguageDay
May 6. World Password Day #WorldPasswordDay
May 6. Space Day #SpaceDay
May 9. Europe Day #EuropeDay
May 10. International Day of Argania #InternationalDayofArgania
May 11. National Eat What You Want Day #NationalEatWhatYouWantDay
May 11. National Technology Day #NationalTechnologyDay
May 13. World Cocktail Day #WorldCocktailDay
May 13. World Migratory Bird Day #WorldMigratoryBirdDay
May 15. International Day of Families #InternationalDayofFamilies
May 15. Endangered Species Day #EndangeredSpeciesDay
May 15. International Day of Families #InternationalDayofFamilies
May 16. International Day of Living Together in Peace #InternationalDayofLivingTogetherinPeace
May 16. International Day of Light #InternationalDayofLight
May 16. Love a Tree Day #LoveaTreeDay
May 16. International Day of Light #InternationalDayofLight
May 17. International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia #IDAHOT
May 17. World Baking Day #WorldBakingDay
May 17. World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
May 18. National Museum Day #MuseumDay
May 20. World Bee Day #WorldBeeDay
May 21. International Tea Day #InternationalTeaDay
May 21. National Memo Day #NationalMemoDay
May 22. International Day for Biological Diversity
May 28. World Hunger Day #WorldHungerDay
May 29. National Biscuit Day #NationalBiscuitDay
May 29. International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers
May 29. Spring Bank Holiday #SpringBankHoliday
May 30. National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay
May 31. World No-Tobacco Day #NoTobacco #WorldNoTobaccoDay
June 2023

June 1. Global Day of Parents #GlobalDayOfParents
June 1. International Children’s Day #InternationalChildrensDay
June 1. Global Day of Parents#GlobalDayofParents
June 2. Leave The Office Early Day #LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay
June 2. National Fish and Chip Day #NationalFishAndChipDay
June 3. World Bicycle Day #WorldBicycleDay
June 4. Cheese Lovers’ Day #CheeseLoversDay
June 4. National Donut Day #NationalDonutDay
June 5. World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay
June 5. International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
June 6. Day of the Russian Language #DayoftheRussianLanguage
June 6. National Cancer Survivor’s Day #NationalCancerSurvivorsDay
June 7. Chocolate Ice Cream Day #ChocolateIceCreamDay
June 7. World Food Safety Day #WorldFoodSafetyDay
June 8. World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay
June 8. Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay
June 10. Iced Tea Day #IcedTeaDay
June 11. European Championship start #EuropeanChampionship
June 12. World Day Against Child Labour #WorldDayAgainstChildLabour
June 14. World Blood Donor Day #WorldBloodDonorDay
June 15. National Beer Day #NationalBeerDay
June 17. World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought #WorldDaytoCombatDesertificationandDrought
June 18. International Sushi Day #InternationalSushiDay
June 18. Sustainable Gastronomy Day#SustainableGastronomyDay
June 18. Father’s Day #FathersDay2023
June 20. World Refugee Day #WorldRefugeeDay
June 21. International Day of Yoga #InternationalDayofYoga
June 21. International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice #InternationalDayoftheCelebrationoftheSolstice
June 21. First Day of Summer #FirstDayofSummer
June 21. National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay
June 21. World Music Day #WorldMusicDay, International Yoga Day #InternationalYogaDay
June 23. Women in Engineering Day #WomeninEngineering
June 23 Public Service Day #PublicServiceDay
June 23. International Widows’ Day #InternationalWidows’Day
June 25. National Cream Tea Day #NationalCreamTeaDay
June 25. Take Your Dog to Work Day #TakeYourDogToWorkDay
June 26. International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking #InternationalDayAgainstDrugAbuseandIllicitTrafficking
June 27. Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day
June 27. National Sunglasses Day #NationalSunglassesDay
June 29. International Day of the Tropics #InternationalDayoftheTropics
June 30. International Asteroid Day #InternationalAsteroidDay
June 30. Social Media Day #SocialMediaDay
July 2023

July 1. National Postal Worker Day #NationalPostalWorkerDay
July 1. International Day of Cooperatives #InternationalDayofCooperatives
July 2. London Pride #LondonPride, World UFO Day #WorldUFODay
July 3. Wimbledon begins #Wimbledon2023
July 4. American Independence Day #IndependenceDay #4thofJuly
July 6. National Kissing Day #NationalKissingDay
July 7. World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay
July 11. Cheer Up the Lonely Day #CheerUpTheLonelyDay
July 11. World Population Day #WorldPopulationDay
July 12. Simplicity Day #SimplicityDay, Malala Day #MalalaDay
July 15. Give Something Away Day #GiveSomethingAwayDay
July 15. World Youth Skills Day #WorldYouthSkillsDay
July 17. World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay, Ice Cream Day #NationalIceCreamDay
July 18. Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay
July 20. International Chess Day #InternationalChessDay #WorldChessDay
July 25. World Drowning Prevention Day #WorldDrowningPreventionDay
July 30. International Day of Friendship #InternationalDayofFriendship
July 30. World Day Against Trafficking in Persons #WorldDayAgainstTraffickinginPersons #EndHumanTrafficking
July 30. Day of Friendship #DayOfFriendship
August 2023

August 1. Respect for Parents Day #RespectForParentsDay
August 1. Planner Day #PlannerDay
August 1. World Wide Web Day #WorldWideWebDay
August 2. National Coloring Book Day #NationalColoringBookDay
August 5. International Beer Day #InternationalBeerDay
August 8. International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay
August 9. National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay
August 9. International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
August 10. National Lazy Day #NationalLazyDay
August 10. World Lion Day #WorldLionDay
August 12. International Youth Day #InternationalYouthDay
August 12. World Elephant Day #WorldElephantDay
August 13. International Left-Handers Day #LeftHandersDay
August 15. National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay
August 16. National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay
August 19. World Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay
August 20. National Lemonade Day #NationalLemonadeDay
August 21. World Entrepreneurs Day #WorldEntrepreneursDay
August 21. International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
August 26. National Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay
August 26. International Dog Day #InternationalDogDay
August 29. International Day against Nuclear Tests #InternationalDayagainstNuclearTests
August 31. International Day for People of African Descent
September 2023

September 4. National Wildlife Day #NationalWildlifeDay
September 4. World Beard Day #WorldBeardDay
September 4. Labour Day #LaborDay
September 5. International Day of Charity #CharityDay #InternationalDayofCharity
September 6. Read a Book Day #ReadaBookDay
September 8. International Literacy Day #LiteracyDay #InternationalLiteracyDay
September 10. World Suicide Prevention Day #WorldSuicidePreventionDay
September 10. National Grandparents Day #NationalGrandparentsDay
September 11. National Day of Service and Remembrance #911Day
September 12. National Day of Encouragement #DayOfEncouragement
September 12. National Video Games Day #NationalVideoGamesDay
September 13. Roald Dahl Day #RoaldDahlDay
September 15. Online Learning Day #OnlineLearningDay
September 15. International Day of Democracy #InternationalDayofDemocracy
September 16. 100 days until Christmas #100DaysUntilChristmas
September 16. Guacamole Day #NationalGuacamoleDay
September 17. World Patient Safety Day #WorldPatientSafetyDay
September 18. International Equal Pay Day #InternationalEqualPayDay
September 18. National Cheeseburger Day #NationalCheeseburgerDay
September 19. Talk Like a Pirate Day #TalkLikeAPirateDay
September 21. International Day of Peace #PeaceDay #InternationalDayofPeace
September 22. Car-Free Day #CarFreeDay
September 22. Autumn Equinox #AutumnEquinox #FirstDayofAutumn
September 23. International Day of Sign Languages #InternationalDayofSignLanguages
September 25. World Pharmacists Day #WorldPharmacistsDay
September 26. European Day of Languages #EuropeanDayofLanguages
September 26. International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
September 27. World Tourism Day #WorldTourismDay
September 27. National Women’s Health and Fitness Day #FitnessDay
September 28. World Maritime Day #WorldMaritimeDay
September 28. International Day for Universal Access to Information
September 28. National Good Neighbor Day #GoodNeighborDay
September 29. International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste
September 30. International Translation Day #InternationalTranslationDay
September 30. International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay
October 2023

October 1. International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay
October 1. World Vegetarian Day #WorldVegetarianDay
October 1 International Day of Older Persons #InternationalDayofOlderPersons
October 2. World Habitat Day #WorldHabitatDay
October 2. International Day of Non-Violence #InternationalDayofNonViolence
October 3. National Techies Day #TechiesDay
October 4. World Animal Day #WorldAnimalDay
October 4. National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay
October 5. World Teachers’ Day #WorldTeachers’Day
October 7. World Smile Day #WorldSmileDay
October 9. World Post Day #WorldPostDay
October 10. World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHealthDay
October 11. World Sight Day #WorldSightDay
October 11. International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
October 12. World Spanish Language Day #WorldSpanishLanguageDay
October 14. National Dessert Day #NationalDessertDay
October 15. Global Handwashing Day #GlobalHandwashingDay
October 16. World Food Day #WorldFoodDay
October 17. International Day for the Eradication of Poverty #EndPoverty
October 20. World Statistics Day #WorldStatisticsDay
October 24. United Nations Day #UNDay #UnitedNationsDay
October 24. World Development Information Day #WorldDevelopmentInformationDay
October 25. World Pasta Day #WorldPastaDay
October 30. Checklist Day #ChecklistDay
October 31. World Cities Day #WorldCitiesDay
October 31. Halloween #Halloween2022
November 2023

November 1. World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay
November 1. National Authors Day #NationalAuthorsDay
November 3. National Sandwich Day #NationalSandwichDay
November 3. International Stress Awareness Day #StressAwarenessDay
November 4. National Candy Day #NationalCandyDay
November 5. Bonfire Night #BonfireNight
November 5. World Tsunami Awareness Day #WorldTsunamiAwarenessDay
November 8. National Cappuccino Day #NationalCappuccinoDay
November 8. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM) Day #STEMDay
November 11. Remembrance Day #RemembranceDay
November 12. Diwali #Diwali2023
November 12. Remembrance Sunday #RemembranceSunday
November 10. World Science Day for Peace and Development
November 13. World Kindness Day #WorldKindnessDay
November 14. World Diabetes Day #WorldDiabetesDay
November 15. Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day #CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay
November 16. International Day for Tolerance #InternationalDayforTolerance
November 16. World Philosophy Day #WorldPhilosophyDay
November 16. International Day for Tolerance #ToleranceDay
November 16. National Entrepreneurs Day #EntrepreneursDay
November 17. International Students Day #InternationalStudentsDay
November 19. International Men’s Day #InternationalMensDay
November 19. World Toilet Day #WorldToiletDay
November 20. Universal Children’s Day #UniversalChildren’sDay
November 20. Africa Industrialization Day #AfricaIndustrializationDay
November 21. World Hello Day #WorldHelloDay
November 21. World Television Day #WorldTelevisionDay
November 23. Thanksgiving Day (US) #Thanksgiving2023
November 24. Black Friday #BlackFriday2023
November 25. Small Business Saturday (The last Saturday of November) #ShopSmall
November 27. Cyber Monday #CyberMonday2023
November 30. Computer Security Day #ComputerSecurityDay
December 2023

December 1. World AIDS Day #WorldAIDSDay
December 2. International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
December 3. International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPWD
December 4. National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay
December 4. International Day of Banks #InternationalDayofBanks
December 5. World Soil Day #WorldSoilDay
December 6. St Nicholas Day #StNicholasDay
December 7. International Civil Aviation Day #InternationalCivilAviationDay
December 9. International Anti-Corruption Day #InternationalAnti-CorruptionDay
December 9. World Genocide Commemoration Day #WorldGenocideCommemorationDay
December 9. Christmas Card Day #ChristmasCardDay
December 10. Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay
December 10. Nobel Prize Day #NobelPrize
December 10. International Animal Rights Day #InternationalAnimalRightsDay
December 11. International Mountain Day #InternationalMountainDay
December 12. International Day of Neutrality #InternationalDayofNeutrality
December 14. Christmas Jumper Day #ChristmasJumperDay
December 18. International Migrants Day #InternationalMigrantsDay
December 18. Arabic Language Day #ArabicLanguageDay
December 20. International Human Solidarity Day #InternationalHumanSolidarityDay
December 21. First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice #FirstDayofWinter
December 24. Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve2023
December 25. Christmas Day #ChristmasDay2023
December 26. Boxing Day #BoxingDay2023
December 31. New Year’s Eve #NewYearsEve2023
There you have it! That’s the complete restaurant social media calendar for 2023. We recommend adding this to your bookmarks so you can refer to it and use this page as a reference if you’re ever struggling for content.
Frequently Asked Questions About Restaurant Social Media
What should a social media content calendar include?
A Good social media content calendar should include the following:
- The date of key events throughout the year
- The name of the day and any necessary information for restaurants to post
- Any hashtags that will be used on the day
A social media content calendar should be specific to the niche too - not every day is relevant to restaurants, which is why we have tried to keep ours concise. If you thought the above was a lot of days, you should check out other calendars!
What should a restaurant post on social media?
When thinking about what to post at your restaurant, always think about the customer. What is going to make them follow your account, engage with your content, and, ultimately, visit your restaurant?
Many restaurants post generic content that people aren’t interested in viewing. We recommend posting behind-the-scenes content of how your restaurant runs and operates to stand out from the crowd.
There are many famous TV shows which gained millions of views from showing behind-the-scenes content, and your restaurant can do the same.
How do you introduce a restaurant on social media?
When introducing a restaurant on social media, start off with the basics. Add your location, a link to your website, contact information and a link to your menu. Having a digital menu available will easily allow potential customers to see the food you sell - allowing them to book your restaurant over competitors.
For what three things do restaurants typically use social media?
There are typically three things that successful restaurants will do on social media:
- Share information and connect with existing/potential customers
- Provide answers to people when they search on Google or social media channels
- Share behind-the-scenes content and images of the delicious food they serve
How many times should a restaurant post on Instagram?
We recommend aiming to post once a day on Instagram, including short-form video content. If you aim once a day, then at least you’ll be achieving 5 times a week at a minimum when things get busy.
In this listicle, we’ve provided many dates of events that you can use to sustain any social media campaign. This restaurant social media calendar for 2023 has only accurate dates since we verified each one. Go ahead to design and adapt your content to each social media platform you want to post on.
A good means of getting the most benefits from this social media content calendar is by having a digital menu whose link you can share across your social media pages. Get started with Menuzen today.